OPTIONS: -C Specify a colortable [Default is rainbow]: [Default min/max values for -T are given in brackets]. ——————————— cool : Linear change from blue to magenta [0/1] copper : Dark to light copper brown [0/1] cyclic : Cyclic colormap, spans 360 degrees of hue [0/360] drywet : Goes from dry to wet colors [0/12] gebco : Colors for GEBCO bathymetric charts [-7000/0] globe : Colors for global bathy-topo relief [-10000/10000] gray : Grayramp from black to white [0/1] haxby : Bill Haxby’s colortable for geoid & gravity [0/32] hot : Black through red and yellow to white [0/1] jet : Dark to light blue, white, yellow and red [0/1] nighttime : Colors for DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights Time Series [0/1] no_green : For those who hate green [-32/+32] ocean : white-green-blue bathymetry scale [-8000/0] panoply : Default colormap of Panoply [0/16] paired : Qualitative color map with 6 pairs of colors [0/12] polar : Blue via white to red [-1/+1] rainbow : Rainbow: magenta-blue-cyan-green-yellow-red [0/300] red2green : Polar scale from red to green via white [-1/+1] relief : Wessel/Martinez colors for topography [-8000/+8000] sealand : Smith bathymetry/topography scale [-6000/+3000] seis : R-O-Y-G-B seismic tomography colors [-1/+1] split : Like polar, but via black instead of white [-1/+1] topo : Sandwell/Anderson colors for topography [-7000/+7000] wysiwyg : 20 well-separated RGB colors [0/20] ——————————— -D Set back- and foreground color to match the bottom/top limits in the cpt file [Default uses color table]. -I Reverses the sense of the color table as well as back- and foreground color. -M Use GMT defaults to set back-, foreground, and NaN colors [Default uses color table]. -N Do not write back-, foreground, and NaN colors [Default will]. -Q Assign a logarithmic colortable [Default is linear]. -Qi: z-values are actually log10(z). Assign colors and write z [Default]. -Qo: z-values are z, but take log10(z), assign colors and write z. If -T is given, dz is 1, 2, or 3 (as in logarithmic annotations). -T Give start, stop, and increment for colorscale in z-units, or filename with custom z-values. If not given, the range in the master cptfile is used. -V Run in verbose mode [OFF]. -Z Create a continuous color palette [Default is discontinuous, i.e., constant color intervals].